JAC Classes : On-line learning app for JAC board is an on-line application to prepare for JAC board exams.
This application will surely help you a lot if you are preparing for JAC board exams like class 8th, 9th and 10th.
Basically this application provides you the complete video lessons and study material too.
As we all know that Jharkhand Academic council(JAC) has started objective question based board exams for class 8th and 9th and for this we have a great platform for on-line test. In this app you will get on-line objective exam for class 8th and 9th.
Some cool features of JAC Classes on-line learning app--
Following are some cool features of JAC Classes app-
High quality video lessons for all courses
Off-line video option(no need to access internet)
On-line Quiz for all courses and classes
Free demo video
discussion page to clear your doubt
Live discussion using Zoom app
Auto play next video
live video
Free pdf notes and assignments
On-line notification for JAC Board exams etc.
JAC Classes for Class 10th students--
If you have passed 9th class and entered into class 10th this year means 2020 then this app is going to help you too much.
following courses are available for JAC Board class 10th--
Mathematics course: complete syllabus with unit test
Physics course: complete syllabus with unit test
Chemistry course: complete syllabus with unit test
Biology course: complete syllabus with unit test
Hindi course: complete syllabus with unit test
Following courses for JAC Class 10th will be available very soon-
English course: complete syllabus with unit test
Geography course: complete syllabus with unit test
JAC Classes for Class 9th students--
If you have passed 8th class and entered into class 9th this year means 2020 then this app is going to help you too much.
following courses are available for JAC Board class 9th
Mathematics course: complete syllabus with unit test
Physics course: complete syllabus with unit test
Chemistry course: complete syllabus with unit test
Biology course: complete syllabus with unit test
Hindi course: complete syllabus with unit test
Following courses for JAC Class 10th will be available very soon-
English course: complete syllabus with unit test
Geography course: complete syllabus with unit test
Contact Us:-
Contact us for any doubt regarding JAC Classes learning app--
If you are interested to buy any courses but worried about anything feel free to call us any time on this number-
Mobile no- 9709338772
WhatsApp - 9113353749
If you want to mail us then use this Email : jacclasses@gmail.com
We are here to help you regarding JAC Classes learning app so feel free to call or mail us. We will glad to here you.